JGardner wrote:

> http://www.jgardnerdesigns.com/web-design-services.htm
> It seems like sometimes in IE 6 when you hover over the drop down 
> links they disappear.  Please let me know if this happens to you and 
> if so what browser you are using.

IE6 and IE7 can't stack absolute positioned elements properly, so the
drop down ends up behind the text below instead of in front of it. This
of course leads to loss of focus on :hover when text gets in front of
the drop-down.

To fix this IE/win bug, add...

#header-inner {position: relative; z-index: 1;}

...to stack the entire header higher than the content.

> I am also still having the positioning problem in IE6 - the menu you 
> will not move over to the left as it does with FireFox, and IE7.  So 
> if you see this problem on a different browser please let me know.

I didn't check how wide 'width: 100%' is supposed to be, but Opera 9
interprets your styles same as IE6.

Change to...

#menuh {width: auto;}

...and they will all agree and send the menu to the same spot on the
right side.

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