J Hodge wrote:
> Thank you, David.  I am aware that scaling is
> problematic, and was thinking the best approach would
> be to write the CSS so that the content areas become
> scrollable once the text size is increased.

RE: <http://www.lostinxlation.net/sandbox3/portfolio/cybernomics1.html>

We are into areas of personal opinion. My opinion is the content area 
height should not be constrained, and that on scaling it should drive what is 
beneatn it from here to Havana.

> However, upon further consideration, it occurs to me
> that that it might also be beneficial to scale up the
> dimensions of the overall layout as well... 

That is one way of going about it. My /opinion/ is you may want the site 
to work in any screen window. One way to accomplish this is to set 
min/max width and provide your favorite workaround for IE6.

>  the
> particular layout I'm using was one I picked for some
> practice in source ordering and the use of relative
> positioning, and it has certainly posed its own little
> "challenges".  =0)

Nevertheless it is a valid concept. One can, and should (yet another 
opinion), set to maintain the css disabled/text browser source order: 
doing so can sometimes pose tricky and difficult css manipulation. And 
this is where others on the list are better qualified than I am to help 
bring this particular valid concept to a successful conclusion.

> (treswife at gmail dot com)




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