Julian Tulip's Licorice wrote:
> Hello,
> I have what I am sure is a common question here,
> I am learning the ropes and I am stuck, my source renders fine in
> Firefox but it does different stuff in IE6.
> http://www.johnkehm.com/kona
> I put borders around the areas in question.
> I want it to look like it does in Firefox.
> Any help will be a big relief.
> Thank you,
> John


Georg Sortun has already spelled out the problems.

This is /one/ way to resolve some of them [1].
Note that you'll want to use real text. But if you are compelled to 
doing a client driven photoshop thingy <bites tongue>, you'll need to 
provide an image replacement technique-- search engines and 
text-browsers are unable to read text set as an image.

A fair test for structural purposes is the layout should hold at least a 
+2 font-scaling in compliant browsers, and text-size "largest" in the 
'evil one.'

[1] <http://www.chelseacreekstudio.com/ca/cssd/fish/fish.html>



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