On Oct 8, 2007, at 9:51 AM, Seona Bellamy wrote:

>> Given the code snippets you've given (a url with at least a minimal
>> demo of the problem would be much more easy !), chances are that the
>> text will fall 'out of the box' in my browser, which is not Opera or
>> Netscape 8.
>> 3 lines of text will not fit in the assigned height of 30~40px.
> Good point, especially since reading your comments there I'm  
> guessing that
> you think that the links are supposed to appear on separate lines.  
> I've put
> a screenshot up at http://www.frontandback.com.au/example/ 
> screenshot.gif to
> show what it's supposed to look like when everything is working  
> like it
> should.
> I've put up an example at http://www.frontandback.com.au/example/  
> with a
> minimal set of images (i.e., only the ones needed for the footer).  
> It's also
> incorporating the suggestions Alun made, and I'll repeat a bit of  
> my reply
> to him, since I just realised I sent it directly to him and not to  
> the list.
> :)

I see...
Your page displays the same (different from your screenshot) in all  
browsers here (Camino, Firefox, Safari, iCab, Opera). The copyright  
part is lower than  the list of links.
You're complicating your life a bit, I think.
As you have essentially a fixed width page, try the following structure:
<div id="footer">
                <ul id="footerlinks">
                        <li><a href="">Footer Link One</a></li>
                        <li><a href="">Footer Link Two</a></li>

                        <li><a href="">Footer Link Three</a></li>
                <p>Copyright Telstra eBusiness Services Pty Ltd 2007</p>

#footer has a background-image as wide as needed, for the top corners
#footer div has a background-image as wide as needed, for the bottom  

the ul is floated left
the p is floated right

Like this:

Philippe Wittenbergh

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