> This sounds like a good solution to a problem I currently have.  But I
> didn't know much about it.  Is using downloadable fonts in your
> wondered what the pros here thought about it.
> Thanks!
> ~Shelly

Downloadable Fonts - Safari now supports CSS @font-face rules
By Dave Hyatt.
"WebKit now supports CSS @font-face rules. With font face rules you can
specify downloadable custom fonts on your Web pages or alias one font
to another..."

Fonts in Your Face
By Jon Hicks.
"...First problem, yes this will mean some people will specify
unreadable/unsuitable type for body copy, but what's new? It simply
means that there will be a wider variety of unreadable fonts to choose
from. Secondly, and this is the real sticking point, font licensing..."

A Type In the Right Direction?
Dan Cederholm.
"...While this certainly could be true for many, it doesn't mean that
web designers can't become good typographers ? especially when given
the chance with more of a variety of typefaces to work with. The worry
that all web pages will be suddenly ruined with crappy free fonts
everywhere overshadows the fact that some good can come out of the
ability to at least have a choice to use those crappy (and/or potential
useful) fonts. Give us all a chance, eh?..."

The Resurrection of Downloadable Web Fonts
By Roger Johansson.
"...I can see how useful this can be, though I do worry that many will
not be able to use this tool responsibly. Then again, that applies to
most tools."
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