Ross Hulford wrote:

> My CSS validates, however I get loads of warning
- -
> Generally they are "Same colors for color and background-color in two
> contexts"

That's a somewhat odd and confusing warnings. I'd suggest using the 
interface at with "More Options" clicked and 
"Warnings" set to "All". Then you get messages like

"You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you have set a 
background-color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text 
reasonably legible."

That's somewhat tough too, but makes more sense. You need to understand the 
cascade in order to see the point.*) Or you might decide just to take the 
expert advice and follow the simple rule of always setting background, in 
the same rule, when you set color, and vice versa. This should also remove 
the warnings you have seen.

Quick intro:
Suppose a user style sheet contains
* { color: white; background: black; }
What will happen in an author style sheet contains, say,
#foobar { background-color: white; }

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca") 

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