David Laakso wrote:
> Vicki Stebbins wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Well more a page check.
>> After lots of spinning my wheels, I think I've got this working??? 
>> I've looked on PC Win2k Firefox, Opera 9.0, IE 6.0.
>> URL http://www.abilityincorporated.org.au/index.php
>> Everything validates and I'm hoping it's a fairly okay (not perfect) 
>> accessible page which will be used as template for the site.
>> Would really appreciate any comments etc and if it breaks etc.
>> Many thanks
>> Vicki
> In a window of less than 800 in compliant browsers, and even IE7.0, 
> the logo starts to go under the content and the nav will begin to 
> cross-over the content. In IE6.0 the left column drops in an 
> approximately 870 window. And, maybe it is me, but it seems a bit 
> peculiar that the navigation and copyright seem to be more important 
> than the site's primary content.
> FWIW, this layout works well cross-browser and it will cope with the 
> difficulties mentioned above:
> <http://www.alistapart.com/articles/negativemargins>

*Whoops. I hope the below corrects my typos in the previous reply*

> Subjective:
> Accessibility for the sighted is an important consideration and 
> friendly gesture, too. You have the fonts set on an extraordinary wide 
> measure with the navigation set more important than the primary 
> content. Rather daunting for anyone at 1280 and up (I'm at 1680).
> Setting a min/max width to the page (with a workaround for ie 6) and 
> re-setting the fonts something like this /may/ help:
> #ufwus p{
> /*font: 0.8em verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
> line-height: 1.5em;*/
> line-height : 1.2;
> }
> Perhaps let p inherit the font-family and default font-size from the 
> body declaration. It is o.k. to use a raw number for line-height.
> (you only need the #ufwus p declaration once-- you've got it on both 
> style sheets now).
> div#navigation{
> /*font: bold 0.85em verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;*/
> font-size : 0.95em; <---- inherits font-family from body, bold may not 
> necessary, and could be slightly smaller than the content p
> }
> You may need to set the navigation block slightly wider  to account 
> for those users who need to bump the fonts.
> A lighter gray background color will vastly improve readability as well.
> Best,
> ~d


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