(Smarter folk, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong... )
Pixels are inherently a binary unit - either it's a whole pixel that's 
active or a whole pixel that's inactive, so a fractional pixel doesn't 
exist - but the browser is probably seeing your decimal unit, and is 
either rounding up or down (depending on how it's programmed to handle 
that).  I don't know if it'll cause problems in any sort of immediate 
sense, but due to the fact that you never really know what the users are 
going to do to your website.


Brian Cummiskey wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a dynamic list of items that displays inline in floated div's.
> I was doing some math on how many, and out of the available space, to 
> split it evenly (as they are aligned center)
> ie, wrapper is 500px
> 2 items
> each gets 250px of space/margin width.
> i have an odd shape on this one page, and the server-side math has 
> created 3 div's to fill the space as:
> <div style="width:123.333333333333px;">       
> within 370px of a wrapper.
> It seems to display fine in everything i've looked at with it, but i'm 
> curious if this is a bad idea?
> Thanks
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