On 31-Oct-07, at 1:17 AM, Ingo Chao wrote:

> Rahul Gonsalves wrote:
>> http://rahulgonsalves.com/WDD/
> I do not know what problem you mean with "splash text", but the third
> column drops in IE6 because of the italics bug [1] visible in the  
> center
> column/blockquote p.


Thank you for that pointer. I have fixed it by applying the fix  
suggested at the end of the article.

My apologies for not being clear. By 'splash text', I meant the text  
contained within the splash-a and splash-b containers, which renders  
as the text layered on top of the images that fade in and out. I do  
not currently have access to Internet Explorer, but I believe that in  
IE6, the text is pushed below the image. In Firefox, Safari and  
Opera, it displays as I intend it to.

  - Rahul.
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