On Nov 28, 2007 6:32 PM, Ann Randall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All right, I've redone my site prototype using an alternative to the ALA
> "Holy Grail." I think this is kind of an amalgamation of these two:
> http://www.alistapart.com/articles/negativemargins/
> http://blog.html.it/layoutgala/LayoutGala13.html
> ...plus a couple variations. I'm away from the office and don't have any
> Windows machines at hand at the moment, and since IE was where my
> original site broke, I was wondering if someone could check this on IE6
> and maybe IE7 on Windows. I haven't verified the coding yet but am going
> to do that right now. Thanks! Ann
On IE7 your left navigation ripples. A height or margin/padding or font change?

The "Internet instruction" list is peculiarly positioned compared to Fire Fox.

Most importantly, your flyout menu doesn't work in IE6. The technique
works fine in modern browsers and even IE7. For IE6 you'll need to use
one of several possible tricks. Two of the standard sources are:


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