On Dec 1, 2007, at 11:56 PM, Jan Christian Anker wrote:

>  http://www.putti.no
> Now, clean cache, cookies, etc and open the page in
> FF or FF  You will notice that
> the menu is not displaying properly (main menu line
> above display area, only partly visible).
Happens, yes. But cookies have nothing to do with the issue. Cookies  
are just bad of the teeth.

> Now, do a refresh, and the menu is back in place, but
> still with problems.

I don't see any problems when compared to Safari, Gecko nightly build  
and Opera.
OS X 10.4.11.

> My conclusion is that (this time) it is not my fault,
> but a bug in FireFox, since the page display completely
> different after the first refresh.

Not really your fault, no.

> I would also be most happy if somebody could test the
> page in FF; I believe that the behavior is
> OK there.

I strongly doubt it would be better in Fx

The reason: your image (PPP-logo_skrift613x150.gif) has no dimensions  
Give it width and height in the html or the stylesheet, and the  
problem will be gone.
Longer: while first fetching the page, the browser doesn't know yet  
the intrinsic size of the image, but places your navigation much  
faster on screen than it fetches the image. If you specify the size  
of the image in the html or stylesheet, the browser doesn't have to  
interpolate it.
Once the image is cached (on reload), the problem vanishes.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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