Dave M G wrote:
> CSS List,
> I am writing some PHP script that takes some user input and outputs it 
> again as (hopefully) properly formatted XHTML.
> The system doesn't give users access to every HTML tag, and some of the 
> tags are generated automatically.
> But in any case, I have four rules that I have applied that seem to work 
> so far, but I just wanted to open them up to inspection by people more 
> versed in CSS/HTML than me to check if I haven't created the possibility 
> of future problems.
> My four rules are:
> 1. No <p> tags within <p> tags.

That's good.

> 2. No <div>, <hr>, <h1> to <h6>, <ul>, or <li> tags inside <p> tags.

That's good. Also no <table> tags.

> 3. No <p> tags inside <li>

That's allowed.

or <ul> tags.

The only items that can go inside <ul> and <ol> tags are <li> tags. 
Anything can go inside an <li> tag.

> 4. No empty <p> tags.

Very good!

> Are those rules sensible from a validation point of view?

Makes sense to me, but I'm not expert.

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