Thanks for the tip, but unfortunately, declaring height:100% doesn't work
for me.  I tried putting it on body, #stories, #container and nothing.
I've realized that it's my #nav that's absolutely positioned within the
#container that is the problem apparently.  But I'm not sure what to do to
fix it.  I structured the page this way in order to source order my content

I have since tried taking the absolute positioning off, instead using a wide
left margin on the #nav and negative margin on the top of it to pull it up
beside the other.  That works as long as there is no text resizing.  Even
with pixel based margins, the #nav moves around greatly when text resizing.

Is there a way to keep my html ordered the way it is, and NOT use floats,
and still end up with a #container that contains BOTH of the things inside


On Jan 15, 2008 11:40 AM, Big Moxy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Chris,
> You need a height:100% in several places.
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