Dear List,

Endnotes are one of the main hurdles to weaning academics away from MS 
Word to the freedom of open standards markup. I have worked out a way 
with xslt, but its really overkill, and I would like to find a simple 
way to do notes with just CSS, and help encourage friends to do things 
the right way.

The following is one rather clumsy technique, which works in Firefox I hope someone else has a better way.

Endnotes need to be auto-numbered, so you can add and delete them at 
will, and easy to enter and update. The following shows one easy way to 
mark them up (inside the "n" element):

<link href="main.css"  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="endnotes.css" title="endnotes" rel="alternate stylesheet" 
type="text/css" />
<title>Endnotes with CSS</title>
</head><body><h2>CSS Comments</h2>

<p>CSS is useful for many things, but applying it to academic writing is 
an exercise in frustrations.<n>But see Eric Meyer, <i>CSS the Definitive 
Guide</i> for a superb analysis of what can be done with CSS.</n> One of 
the practical problems is the difficulty of remembering the syntax of 
both CSS and XML at the same time.<n>I recommend the O'Reilly <i>Pocket 
Reference</i> series.</n></p>


To display them with the main text, the main.css "erases" the note text 
with font-size 0pt, and adds a calculated number as the endnote number.

file main.css:
* { font-size: 13pt; font-family: Freeserif; }
body {counter-reset: n-num;}
n, n  i { font-size: 0pt;}
n:before {vertical-align: 50%; font-size: 10pt;
   counter-increment: n-num; content: counter(n-num) " ";}

To display just all the notes together, open another window, load the 
text and select View/Page Style/endnotes (which is put in your browser 
pull down by the second "<link..."  line above.)

file endnotes.css
body {counter-reset: n-num;}
* { font-size: 0pt; font-family: Freeserif; }
n { font-size:14pt; display: block;}
n i {font-size: inherit;}
n:before {font-size:10pt; vertical-align: 50%;
  counter-increment: n-num; content:  counter(n-num) ") "}

This technique has the advantage that you can look at the endnotes all 
at one time. If you want to see just one as you are reading the main 
text, you can alt-F4 to the other browser window. The common technique 
of href'ing to the note means that you have to jump around, and also it 
is not so easy to have automatic number. Seeing the notes all at once is 
crucial: I often start reading an article by going through the notes.

I used the font-size: 0pt; because the seemingly more appropriate 
display:none and visibility: hidden will not work here for various reasons.

So, thats what I have. Isn't there a better way than hacking around with 
font-size: 0pt? And I cannot find a way of embedding alternate style 
sheets in the  main file itself. The usual xslt hack of href'ing to an 
id (href="#mycss1") results in a garbled cascade, not a true alternate 


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