On Fri, 08 Feb 2008 11:06:56 +0100
Mihai M__nu____ wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> Your problem is typographic. The font used for text area is smaller
> than the font used for inputs (default fonts are sans-serif for input
> & select, and fixed for text area - on Linux those fonts are
> configured system wide, they can be anything you choose). It is
> strongly dependent on the default fonts used by FF (and the fonts
> installed on the machine).
> In order to fix your problem, just add font-family: Tahoma, Arial,
> sans-serif (for example) in the input, select, textarea definition.
> Even if your Linux does not have the Tahoma or Arial fonts installed,
> you will still make the sans-serif default font go in all types of
> inputs.

If you add helvetica to that font family that caters to most Mac and
Linux users as well.
font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif


All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

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