On Fri, 29 Feb 2008 08:57:50 -0500, Christopher wrote:
> Anyone know in CSS if you can do a pre-loader effect ?

You can pre-load images in a number of ways: either by using
"sprites[1]" or with CSS. This is what I have used successfully:

<div id="preload"><img src="path/to/image.png" width=1 height=0 alt=""><img 

#preload {text-indent:-5000px;}

> Also can you do transitions as
> done by MooTools ? in CSS and if not does anyone know how you blend
> in MooTools into your HTML ?
You can kinda sorta do transitions in CSS using Internet Explorer's
behaviors. But that is really JScript anyway, so the answer is
"not really." 

You may get an answer to integrating MooTools form a JavaScript
list or forum.



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