Hi Hakan,

Well, I've been trying to learn what I can by looking at the code, I've
spent some time on the CSS Zen Garden, which is a great site. But I
downloaded Style Master, http://www.westciv.com/style_master/index.html and
have been going through their tutorial, which is quite helpful. I need to
learn more about coding the html file and css together.


-------Original Message-------
From: Hakan K
Date: 2/03/2008 9:10:34 AM
To: Tamara
Cc: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: Re: [css-d] newbie
Welcome to this listing group...........
Do you use any tutorial ....?
On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Tamara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, my name's Tamara (Tam for short), and I'm new here...and new to css..
>  well, aside from the simple stuff you can do in Dreamweaver, that is. I
>  forward to learning a lot from this group, it was recommended to me by
>  --
>  Tam
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