On Tue, March 11, 2008 6:54 pm, Alan Gresley wrote:
> So anyone who has empty declarations blocks in there style sheets will
> have to remove them now.

Or they could do the obvious thing and report the bug to Microsoft, or
vote for it if it's already been reported, and it will undoubtedly be
fixed in the next beta.

I have to say once again that I am completely baffled as to why people are
acting as if this is a final release. It's the first public Beta of a
piece of software which, if the same process with IE7 is any guide, will
not be released in a final form for maybe another six months. I expect we
will see at least two more Betas before seeing even a Release Candidate.

If you find a bug, report it, but don't suggest that people will have to
fix anything - the only people with anything to fix at this stage are the
IE team, and the only useful contribution one can make to the web
development community is to inform them of these issues.



Nick Fitzsimons

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