I'm pretty new to CSS. I can do basic layouts fairly well, but something I'm
working on right now has me stumped. I've resorted to trial and error,
randomly trying different properties and values to try to correct the issues
I'm having, which at the moment has resulted in me accidentally cropping
part of a graphic and has not gotten me much closer to my intended result.

You can view the HTML file here:
and you can view the CSS here:
(Note that I know the ordering of the rules needs to be cleaned up to make
it easier for tweaking later, I've been using Dreamweaver to quickly style,
and was going to clean it up at the end.)

I opted to use background images for the nav bar rather than embedded images
in the HTML. Basically, the pink segment is supposed to sit under the main
navigation links, with the vertical section sitting between those and the
"home" link, with the right horizontal segment positioned slightly above the
"home" link. The cross on the far right of the page is supposed to be more
or less where it is (when viewed in Firefox), just not cut off (I'm not
quite sure how I screwed that up at this point--I know that margins can be
used to crop like that). I am actually trying to rebuild a page that was
made years ago out of a nasty mess of nested tables and JavaScript. This is
the URI of the current page for a visual example of what I'm trying to do
with CSS, but we're having server problems and it likely won't load:

The other thing that I've been having difficulty with is that IE7 and
Firefox position the images rather differently. The pink bars can be
positioned perfectly in one browser, but overlapping text in the other. Is
there some way to make IE7 play nice for this situation?

Any help is much appreciated.

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