Hi everyone,

We've been working on this website and Georg kindly helped with a 
problem in the early part of it.

Just as it's nearing completion I'm having problems, so far I've 
spent literally days trying to work out the why's...

This div (#ufwus) is the main 'content' div on the site

#ufwus {/*userfriendly web updating system*/
margin: 2px 25px 25px 25px;
display: table;
height: 1%;

display: table;
height: 1%;
was included to allow the map box on the right of the index page 
(only page it now appears in)
http://www.keenstreet-dev.com/index.php to site correctly.

Q. It was all working fine and then for no reason that I can figure 
out when I go to the homepage the text is down the page or there's a 
big gap in between paragraphs, on refresh it corrects?

On this page the div holding the information is quirky...

I've set out one to a page so you can see...

The first page, if only a couple of words are added the div and the 
div underneath show narrow.

When you go to page 2 this is how it should look.

I will have no control over the amount of text going in...

If I take out - display: table; height: 1%; - from the style sheet 
the narrow one on page 1 shows wide but the date moves down the page 
and page 2 the image, pdf link, date etc show in the wrong places.

I've validated the homepage and the casestudy page, there are 5 
errors related to the small icons in the 'toolbar' being 
'absmiddle'  which changing to top/ bottom etc has no bearing on the problems.

Would really appreciated any who can shed some light on what's happening here?

Many thanks


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