david wrote:
> David Laakso wrote:
>> Stuart King wrote:
>>> Simple problems that are am having trouble solving:
>>> 1. How do I justify the text in the #bt div:
>>> URL:
>>> http://www.adrianavargasdesign.com/pages/contact.html
>> I would seriously think twice about doing this, though. Justified
>> type, handled by a talented and well seasoned typographer, is
>> sometimes nice in print media. It tends to be a disaster on the Web.
>> Individual browsers handle it differently.  And, more important,
>> users  are known to scale their fonts which  wreaks havoc with pixel
>> perfection concepts.
> Plus computer displays really don't have the resolution to
> full-justify text. To do it right, the software needs to be able to
> space letters and words more precisely than the typical 96-120 DPI
> capabilities of displays.

This isn't so much a resolution problem but a matter of just "not doing 
it". Browsers apply simple word space expansion to achieve 
justification, instead of more elaborated processing that also involves 
letter spacing and, when applicable, automatic hyphenation. IE 
recognizes text-align: distribute, but in practice this seems to make 
things worse: it causes letter spacing to be increased in the first few 
words of a line, creating a rather unbalanced appearance.

(See my http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/justify.html which is rather 
dusty, largely because there has not been much progress in browsers, 
except fixing some blatant bugs.)

Justification might be meaningful for small pieces of text presented in 
a special way and carefully checked for their visual appearance in some 
typical browsing conditions. Adding soft hyphens (­) might help - it 
can be regarded as reasonably safe now.

I don't understand the original question, though. Why would one want to 
justify a block of text containing address information? Left alignment 
is the norm (for left to right scripts), right alignment might make an 
impression (though it would be somewhat unnatural for an address), and 
centering might please some people, but _justification_? Maybe the 
question meant something else than justification.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

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