On 22/03/2008, at 8:10 AM, Andrew Doades wrote:
Hi all,

I have been working on a site, and the person I am working with very
kindly asked me to check this in FireFox...

Sadly the main content get shoved to the bottom, can someone please have
a look for me and see if they can make sense of what's going on?
URL: www.weplan.co.uk
user: trial
pass: demo
( Please don't abuse this!! )

Thanks a huge amount!!!


you may want to run the code through validation.  I took a quick look  
and firstly noticed that the end tags for the table and HTML were  
both missing, and then validated it, and there are numerous layout  
errors (missing tags, etc).  While IE will often overlook these,  
Gecko and WebKit are stricter with standards, and will show up badly  
formed code more often.

The first thing to do when errors such as this occur is to ensure  
that the code is well formed, and errors aren't caused by missing  
tags etc.


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