> The entire nav is supposed to be centered but I think I need to wrap
> a div around it and give the <ul> a margin: 0 auto;

You can use Margin:0 auto;  if you also give the UL a width - it is 100%
unless you tell it otherwise - so technically it is centered...

> What's really tripping me out is the space I had to allocate for each
> <li>. Some of them have a normal amount of space but others require
> an excessive amount and then leave a wide gap after them ("The Obrien
> Story" and "Primary Sources"). Any idea what is causing this?

You're doing a combination of giving each  list item by class a width and
then giving all lit items the same lots of padding and  margin.  Try giving
it the width you want  or giving it the padding you want instead of doing

Hope this helps

Susan R. Grossman
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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