I just realized something that has probably been a pretty long-standing 
problem, but which somehow escaped me before (I don't think the site 
behaved this way in my then-current version of IE6, since I'm sure I 
tested with it, but it does on browsershots.org and my IE6 
standalone)...  Nearly all of the content on my site at 
http://www.kungfu-silat.com/ is encased in DIVs.  Unfortunately, IE6 (at 
least some revisions) seems to be truncating my DIVs and only displaying 
the first line of text in each one (and the top of the second line). 
What can I do to fix this, aside from redesigning the site?



Erik Harris                                http://www.eHarrisHome.com
-        AIM: KngFuJoe - Yahoo IM: kungfujoe7 - ICQ: 2610172        -
Chinese-Indonesian Martial Arts Club      http://www.kungfu-silat.com
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