>I'm a newbie to the CSS-discuss list, and have searched the archives
>for an answer to this question but have not found one. Forgive me if
>it is there and I didn't see it. I would consider my self to be an
>intermediate-level CSS web designer, but IE6/IE7 always seem to hang
>I have built a new site with a "Tab" style menu (I got the code from
>Dan Cederholm's "Bulletproof Web Design" book), and it works
>perfectly in Firefox and Safari, but not well at all in IE6/IE7.
>The site is posted here: http://www.rpdevelopment.com/
>If anyone could take a look at the code and give me some pointers as
>to what I need to do differently to make it work in IE6/IE7 I would
>really appreciate the help, I'm supposed to have this site live this

Next time you post,  surround your url like this so it doesn't break
literally two ways:

First of all, you also have an issue with stuff jumping around on
hover in Firefox on XP, which is probably a border issue. I always add
borders to the non-hover state which are the same color as the
background, then change them in the hover state. That way you don't
get that sideways jumping, which is the bothersome part.

Also, you might want to simply float that list right and let it expand
naturally to the width it needs and get rid of the width on that
entirely, since the way it is now it doesn't stand up to text resizing
well. Two clicks larger in FF breaks it. I always test well to three
clicks. Your whole header needs work there, it is too rigid. Try not
to set heights on anything, and design so that you don't have to,
except on small elements. Design your gradient background so it can go
against the top or bottom and set the background color so that when
the element expands in height with text resizing, it doesn't look

Now, IE. You might find that getting rid of the width on that list
will help, since IE always needs more room for everything, but there's
also some other stuff going on. You probably need a haslayout trigger,
and possibly a position: relative; on #nav. Then use a conditional
comment (or an ie stylesheet called in by one) to adjust to taste re
margins and paddings since IE is retarded that way.

Ciao for now,
 bj                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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