On Tue, 08 Apr 2008 18:43:14 -0500
Alan Gutierrez wrote:

> I'm noticing that when I specify font sizes using em, they are  
> slightly smaller in Firefox than in Safari. This becomes a problem  
> when the font sizes get smaller. In Safari they are the right size,  
> but in Firefox they are almost illegible.
> I couldn't dig anything up on Google, probably searching with the  
> wrong terms. Could anyone point me to a discussion of or article on  
> this particular quirk?

In theory this is part of the users right to control how large the font
is they are viewing themselves[1]. In practise this is not often reality
as most users are not aware they can control the default browser font

To a web developer the optimum for accessibility is to not use a font
under 1em. In practise space in areas like sidebars can force many
developers to set a pixel font size[2]. What i try to do is specify my
fonts in ems and check that degredation is ok in IE at Largest font
setting and in Firefox for at least 3 Larger settings (found in the view
menu of both browsers) before becoming unreadable. Trying to have too
fine-grained control over fonts is a hangover many print designers
persist in hanging on to. Designing for the internet is a compromise on
many fronts.

One last thing you may wish to take into account is that different
monitors use different DPI[3] or PPI[4] settings. What may look good on
your LCD monitor may not look as good on an 800X600 15" CRT monitor,

These references (below) are less authoritative than illustrative, but
among them you will probably find the compromise that suits your
demonstration page. Zen Garden designers before you have employed
various methods to constrain fonts on their pages, many examples may be
found in the CSS there. Because it is demonstrative one should consider
if the techniques used there are techniques that should be employed in
practical sites, which also perhaps gives you permission to use more
fixed methods there as it is for demonstration purposes.

[1] http://kb.iu.edu/data/aiwf.html
[2] http://www.netmechanic.com/news/vol2/html_no11.htm
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dots_per_inch
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixels_per_inch

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

 - Julian of Norwich 1342 - 1416
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