-----Original Message-----

I'm trying to set it up so that all checkboxes on my site have a margin
or padding to the right.  In my  main css, I thought I could address the
element and tried:
checkbox {margin-right:40px; padding-right:40px;}

It didn't work.  If I made it into a class, it then worked but I would
have to insert it into each checkbox rather than doing one sitewide

So how would I get that to work?  And if not, do I actually have to put
a class on every single checkbox?  I currently have it in a ul/li but I
removed it from there and still couldn't get it to work.

Daniel Kessler


Hi Daniel,

There is no such element as 'checkbox', it is an 'input' of type
checkbox. You *could* use CSS selectors to try to target them to get the
CSS in I believe, but a more reliable cross-browser method would be to
put a class or id on the ul and then use something like:

ul.checkboxClass input{

There are a couple of points with this... Firstly there would be an
issue if any other types of input were in that ul, also I think that
some browsers will struggle to do anything with padding on a checkbox (a
quick test I tried seemed to have no effect in firefox 2)

Hope that helps

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