Just as a tip - it's probably best to specify the "where you want it" part
of your question.   Since we don't know what's in your head or on your
sketch pad.  :-)

But I'm guessing you're just wanting it below the navbar.  I think you might
need to change the "register" div margin-top to just "top"  Since you've
declared that as absolutely placed, you then need to tell it where to be.
There is no placement info there except "absolute."  You need to give it a

I think that's what's going on.  Others on here can verify my thoughts or
dispel them.

Chris A.

On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 10:31 AM, jeroen vannevel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> hi,
> I can't find why my registering form can't be placed where I want it.
> does anyone has an idea?
> http://speedzor.com/register.php
> greetings,
> jeroen
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