On 2008/07/09 09:46 (GMT-0500) Ben Fider apparently typed:

> this is a good way to get a consistent font size:

> * {
>     font-size: 100.01%; /*
> http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=InternetExplorerWinBugs */
> }

> html { /*
> http://trevordavis.net/blog/tutorial/the-6-most-important-css-techniques-you-need-to-know/
> */
>     font-size: 62.5%; /* will set your font-size to 10 pixels */
> }
> body {
>     font-size:1.2em; /* will set your font-size to 12 pixels */
> }

One who makes no meaningful attempt to test as visitors actually use their
browsers might think so, but the only consistencies that approach brings are:

1-FF2 and Opera users who have a minimum font size set only slightly (~80% or
more) or no smaller than their default size, and those with a user stylesheet
containing 'body {font-size: 100% !important}', will not see anything
remotely resembling what IE, FF3 or Safari users will see. Instead of fonts
smaller than their preference as most web sites rudely impose, they'll see
fonts _larger_ than their preference. See:

2-Everyone will be subjected to the rudeness that assuming any main content
font size less than 100% of the user's preference (i.e. default) represents.
That nearly everyone else is rude is not justification to be rude yourself.
See e.g.:
"Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry."
                                Ephesians 4:26 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

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