If you look here you'll see that I have graphic separators on my left and
right navigation lists which look just like I want.


Does anyone know the correct approach, or if it's possible without an
additional image, to correct for the comment below?  Essentially, I'd like
the hover color to only show up above the separator line so the graphic
separator still shows on mouse over.  If I mess with the height on the
"hover" then the menu jiggles around when moused over.

On 7/10/08 1:45 PM, "Gene"  wrote:

> It looks odd that in the left column the bottom line disappears when
> mousing over an item.

My CSS for the navigation list is:

/* local navigation column and link stylings*/

.navLocal ul, ul.related{margin:0; padding:0; list-style-type:none; }

ul.related {margin: 0 2px 0 -11px; }

.navLocal li a {background:url(images/localNavSeparator.gif) -18px 100%
no-repeat; }

.navLocal li a, ul.related li a {display:block; text-decoration:none;
color:rgb(87,49,16); padding:4px 8px 8px 10px;}

ul.related li a {padding-left: 21px;
background:url(images/localNavSeparator.gif) 50% 100% no-repeat;}

.navLocal li li a{display:block;
background:url(images/localNavSeparator.gif) 85% 100% no-repeat; padding:4px
8px 8px 20px; color:rgb(34,43,106);}

.navLocal a:hover, .related a:hover {text-decoration:underline;
background:#fff; }
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