On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 1:11 AM, Pete Harrison <

> I have taken over the development of a site
> (www.squaremilenews.com/design2/n-index.asp css at
> www.squaremilenews.com/design2/sqn.css) which I need to tidy up.
> In FF, the DIV contentframe needs to be reduced width wise so that it lines
> up with the branding div, and in IE, branding needs to be increased to line
> up with the contentframe.
> Any ideas?
> Regards
> Pete

Well you have quite a number of issues.  You should start by cleaning
up/validating the html, like removing the duplicate title and metat tags in
the header, removing orphaned close tags and closing open existing tags,
using xml closers on <br /> tags since that's what's declared, etc.  there
are lots of errors.

You are using % for width and % for margins in divisions holding those
widths and they are bumping heads.  Start by remove the 1%padding from
#contentFrame and then revisit all your width's and margins and fixed all
the code issues and it should be OK.

Hope this helps


Susan R. Grossman
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