Daniel Hammond wrote:
> URL: http://www.studentremix.org/test/ms/index.htm CSS:

> [...] IE 6 and 7 do not show the hover state until the cursor is 
> hovering over the nav link's text itself, rather than just being over
>  the area of the block level element.

Give IE a "real" rather than a transparent link-background to hover on...

#nav a:link, #nav a:visited { background-color: #ad5; }

...will do in your case.

A transparent background-image can be used if a fixed color doesn't suit
a particular design.

> IE 6 and 7 show a small amount of the lighter green background color 
> of the nav div area below the white.

Making it...

#nav ul { padding: 0; margin: 0 0 -1px; }

...will cover up for it, with no negative effects.


#nav { position: relative; }

...will keep the illusion stable when subjected to (enforced)
font-resizing in IE.

Suggest you add...

#footer { display: table; }

...to make that element expand to contain its content in compliant
browsers, when necessary.

Will also advice against font-size in pixels anywhere.

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