Hi Georg

Thank you for suggesting that - I tried it but in 
Firefox on a pc the effect is to push the content 
175 pixels down the computer screen below the 
pseudo frame, ie creating a big empty space 
between the masthead image and the start of the 
text.  But I am grateful to you, all the same, for giving this so much thought.

Kind regards

At 02:27 28/08/2008, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
>Rachel Mawhood wrote:
> > When one uses the keyboard shortcut for Skip to Content (access key
> > S, to a div called "content") on this site,
> >
> > http://www.internationalorganbuilders.com/uk/access.php
> > which has a pseudo frame at the top, the browser doesn't seem to
> > recognise that the "content" div is located further down the browser
> > screen than the pseudo frame div.
>That's normal for in-page anchors - they always end up on top of the
>The trick is to make the anchor (top of "content") run to the top of the
>browser-window, while the content stays below the "pseudo frame div".
>Several ways to do this - depending on design, but I chose to offset the
>#content div using the existing 'position: relative' in this example...
>See if it's close enough for comfort, and if so you'll find the altered
>and added styles commented here...
>         Georg
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