> This part of the site has an ancient layout with an ancient doctype
> that I put a newer look and feel around.  I do not have permission at
> this point to make changes, however, I have introduced some
> prototypes.
> We are gradually moving to a CSS2 tableless layout already in some
> places, unfortunately still with the quirks mode doctype because at
> the time I didn't feel comfortable making that change.
> The progress bar styles will not change -- in the newer layout.  I
> designed that piece to fit nicely and simply to fit in whatever
> doctype, standards or tabular layout goes around it.

Right. Sounds like standards hell. Best of luck.

I would recommend migrating it all to strict HTML/XHTML.


> Nancy
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 11:55 AM, Aaron Gray
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Instead of using javascript we tied it into the coldfusion coding.
>> Yeah, I am working with Javascript and CSS and was really looking for a 
>> pure
>> CSS solution.
>>> You can see however http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/ivoq/  (You will have
>>> to proceed to the next page or two to see the progress bar)
>> Would rather not mess with government forms.
>> It looks like IE counts padding and borders in width's.
>> Which means I am in quirks mode !
>> Problems solved !
>> Cheers,
>> Aaron
>>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Aaron Gray
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am working on Javascript Library and a set of Widgets for putting
>>>> together user interfaces.
>>>> I have just put together the begginings of a prototype ProgressBar.
>>>> Anyway I have had to do fixes for MSIE and there seems to be weird or
>>>> undefined behaviour when nesting div's.
>>>> I was wondering is there a better way to do what I am doing.
>>>> Here's the widget with Javascript :-
>>>>    http://www.aarongray.org/Test/JavaScript/ProgressBar.html
>>>> And heres a plain HTML/CSS equivalent version :-
>>>>    http://www.aarongray.org/Test/CSS/ProgressBar.html
>>>> Basically the div's don't seem to nest properly and hence I have to 
>>>> fill
>>>> in specific pixel sizes where I would prefer not to have to. Plus IE 
>>>> has
>>>> to have different values.
>>>> Hope you can put me on the right path.
>>>> Many thanks in advance,
>>>> Aaron
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