Thank you for your suggestions.

I am updating the stylesheet and already converted the remaining px I
must have missed the first time round to ems.  I am also changing the
doctype xhtml in the newer files to XHTML.  It is a tight layout since
I took it from a older tabular look and feel.

I did choose the float: right solution although it sometimes leaves a
small space on the left.  Although this solution won't be live for
awhile. I was having the same problem before with safari and someone
suggested body: first of type.

I am concerned that it breaks in Firefox 3.1.  I have had that problem
before only when the laptop computer uses an odd monitor display and
only in the IE browsers so I was able to come up with a fix.

Lots to think about


On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 9:03 AM, Philippe Wittenbergh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 18, 2008, at 9:08 PM, Nancy Johnson wrote:
>> There is one other issue between Firefox3 for the pc and Firefox3 for
>> the mac.  It doesn't seem to matter the doctype. What is live is
>> standards but an old doctype.
>> I have a div entitled "content" and a very dark gray and it houses two
>> divs "leftnav" and "contentcopy".  "leftnav" has no background color,
>> "contentcopy" is a lighter gray.
>> Firefox 3 for the Mac you can see content div appear on the right as a
>> thin line whereas Firefox3 for the PC it is hidden as it should be. In
>> the past, I have had to give slightly different widths to the leftnav
>> for each browser including using a hack for Safari to achieve this
>> affect.
>> Is there a way to fix this?
> Your document is in Quirks mode currently (not that it matters much).
> #shell { /*style.css (line 14)*/
> ...
> width:51.25em;
> }
> descendant elements ( the two columns) also have a width set in ems
> The difference you see is due to
> 1/ different rounding on different platforms due to subpixel rendering
> 2/ possibly slight differences between platforms
> And rounding 'errors' handled differently by different rendering engines,
> esp if you go down to 2 digits after the comma (like padding 0.19em). See
> also below.
> BTW, on my Firefox nightly build (what will be  FX 3.1 next year), the right
> column drops below the left column. The right column is too wide to fit next
> to the left column.
> You use this (hack)
> body:first-of-type .contentcopy { /*style.css (line 201)*/
> width: 41.38em;
> }
> recognised by aforementioned nightly build, but not by Firefox 3.0x, I
> _guess_ you used that hack to filter for Safari.
> Safari computes the width to 662px, where as Fx 3.1b1pre nightly build
> computes it 668px.
> Recommendation: don't do this. Hack the death, but leave the living ones
> alone [1].
> If I were you, I wouldn't float the right column at all, but just give it
> left-margin as appropriate (9.5em I think).
> [1] browsers that is...
> Philippe
> ---
> Philippe Wittenbergh
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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