On Oct 21, 2008, at 2:20 PM, Bob Meetin wrote:

> Jody Levinson wrote:
>> These menus work so well in IE7 and FF, but they are completely
>> unusable in IE6. Can anyone please help or point me toward some
>> resources to resolve it or work around it?
>> Thank you.
>> http://atlas-inspection.com/newsite/
>> http://www.atlas-inspection.com/newsite/styles.css
>> Thank you for any assistance!
>> Jody
> I have a number of menu examples of drop-down menus based on the Eric
> Meyer examples from 'More Eric Meyer on CSS' on this page.  They use a
> csshover.htc file to make it work in IE6.
> http://www.dottedi.biz/codesamples/
> My question, what does fly-out menu actually mean?

Thanks, Bob. I guess people have different terms for them. Drop-down,  
fly-out. You know - you mouse over the menu item and the submenu flies  
out to the side on vertical menus or drops down from the top on  
horizontal menus.

Gosh, I hate to go back to the start with these menus. I was so  
pleased with out lean and fast they are and how well they work in IE7  
and FF. I'll look at that links. Thanks again.
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