2008/10/22 jasmin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Would anyone be able to validate that padding and margins differ between IE
> and Firefox as result of their own inbuilt style sheets?

Generally speaking, margins and padding are handled pretty well.

> If this is the
> case is there a way to keep the padding and margins on a, somewhat,
> consistent level between the browsers.  I've read somewhere that using   *
> {margin: 0; padding: 0;}    can reset the margin and padding values to 0 but
> when testing I still encounter problems with padding and margins.

That can cause issues - especially with form controls. If you want to
use a reset, then I suggest one that is a little less global. I tend
towards http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2007/05/01/reset-reloaded/
these days.

> An example of what I'm talking about can be viewed at
> (www.jasmin.net.au/test/index7b.htm
> <http://www.jasmin.net.au/test/index7.htm> ).

That document is invalid ...


Not least among the validity errors is the malformed Doctype - which
triggers Quirks mode. This causes lots of inconsistencies between
browsers, including an issue in Internet Explorer where the browser
places the padding inside the content width of an element.


David Dorward <http://dorward.me.uk><http://blog.dorward.me.uk>
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