Hi Peter,

Peter Hyde-Smith wrote:
>  Ionut wrote
> >
> > It's because of these elements:
> >
> >     #customer_search_form,
> >     #walkin_customer_button,
> >     #purchase_return_button
> >
> > ...and maybe others.
> >
> > My advice is to float them left instead of positioning them
> > relatively. If you float them left, don't forget to also add a
> > display:inline; after the float: left; declaration. It's for
> > Internet Explorer's double margin floating bug[1].
> >
> Bill:
> I would say definitely others, including the header, as outlining
> elements in WebDeveloper show a number of elements wider
> than my screen width of 1280px.

Thanks for mentioning WebDeveloper.  I hadn't downloaded it; have been
getting by pretty well (I thought) with Firebug.  This is GREAT!  Amazing
amount of  info / capabilities for layout.  Now I just have to figure out
how to use it all ;-)

> Are you trying for a max page width of 1024px (~78em)?
> You'd set that through CSS, such as
> #somewrapper    {width: 98%; max-width: 78em;}, as well as using float
> technique above.

Yes, 1024 is our target.  Thanks very much for the code.  I'll give it a try

> IMO, you've got a ton of CSS;

Yeah.  My guess is that, if I had a better understanding of CSS, more time,
or both, I'd probably be able to refactor this down to about half a ton

> maybe want to more distinctly separate basic layout CSS from
> fiddley-bits.

Here's a good test re: CSS expertise level: being able to tell the
difference between the two ;-)  I'd sure appreciate any specific
recommendations along that line, or pointers to online content I could learn

> Also, recommend setting font-size in % instead of fixed pixels,
> for browser friendly resizing.

I'm not familiar with setting font-size in %; just em and px.  I thought
em-based sizing was the way to go for accomodating  resizing.  Just goes to
show ya.  I'll look into it.  Any good cheat sheets for making the

Thanks much for your help.  I appreciate it!


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