As always in awe of your ability to see the causes amongst all the dross,
Am getting the sense of the changes you made.
My starting objective was, beneath a fixed banner (code not included), to
arrange between 2 lines of h2 a bank of images aligned with 3 boxes of text
which would all be visible (before scrolling to following images), hence
initially I set the ContainerBoth height.
In Gecko mode your code adjustments display just fine but in IE7 text sizing
throws the text box heights out displacing the alignments.
How do I get control of height position and width of these floating and
variable height boxes of text in both IE7 and other browsers?

Also within IntroImage the p captions to the images are offset in IE7 but
are align correct within Gecko. Again how do I get them back into alignment
in IE7 and other browsers? I note for some reason on the middle image the p
starting "In_" is not visible.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gunlaug Sørtun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 November 2008 15:20
To: tony
Subject: Re: [css-d] Newbie Resolve IE sizes to other

tony wrote:

> Sorted a layout in IE7 and passed validation but layout in Gecko fell  
> apart - width issues. So resolved layout in Gecko but now IE7 fails to  
> match as can be seen at:
> Can anyone please suggest how I bring IE7 layout back into line.

Give IE a "strict-mode" / "standards mode" triggering doctype.
The one you have is incomplete and makes all browsers stay in the old
"quirks mode". IE has its own box-model in that old mode.

Your original CSS runs into too many IE bugs, so to give you a place to
start I made it more IE-friendly - including IE6...


Also introduced more floats and removed height-restrictions, to make it
generally more cross-browser friendly.


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