2009/1/23 Matthew Stoneback <matthewstoneb...@gmail.com>:
> Have a quick question that I am sure someone can help with in short
> order....
> I am starting to go to production on a new site and I cannot seem to get a
> background image to function properly on the id "content."  To my surprise
> the page views correctly in IE but not in Firefox!  What am I missing?  I am
> guessing it is something simple I am overlooking from staring at the code
> too long.

Why do you have an emty <div>main in your <div>content. If it's not
holding your picture ?

And a emty <h3> in your sidebar, hiding something  or .... ?

Regards / Mhv.
Ib K. jensen - http://ikjensen.dk
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