Hi everyone,

I'm having a hard time incorporating Live Person chat support on a  
site. The placement works for me in IE and FF on Mac and PC, but my  
client, also using IE on a PC, sees the layout broken. I've uploaded a  
screen shot of what she sees here: 

I cannot reproduce this and I can't see what's causing it. The actual  
page is here:


It's hard for me to even test things since I can't see it. I took the  
screen shot myself, viewing her screen in Netmeeting. Changing the  
browser window size does not seem to affect it. This only seems to be  
happening on this one page where I am testing Live Help. The Live  
Person code is generated by their site and I'm reluctant to edit it  
for fear of affecting functionality.

I've run the page through CSS and HTML validators. CSS has a couple of  
errors but nothing that seems like it should affect this area of the  
document. There are a LOT of HTML errors, but they are almost ALL  
contained in that Live Person button and some other coded buttons.

Thanks so much!


TroutDream Graphics, Inc.
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