--- On Thu, 3/26/09, Mike Davies <m...@integrawebdesign.co.uk> wrote:

> I am trying to remove the bullets from an unordered list, which works
> fine in Firefox using list-style-type:none;. But this doesn't appear to
> be supported by IE and the lists are showing either with the bullet or
> with an indent.
> See the left-hand side links on
> http://www.deveron-arts.com/wb/pages/artists/david-blyth.php 
> How can I work round this?

In IE7 the first list seems OK, the second list has indented items.

Personally, I usually use these rules to reset all UL/LI tags:

ul,li {
   list-style-type: none;
   list-style-position: outside;

The list-style-position should help there.

(to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure if this is a 100% foolproof/valid/good 
method, but I've never had problems with it)


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