From: Christopher R <majes...@thecreativesheep.ca>
To: CSS-D <css-d@lists.css-discuss.org>
Sent: Monday, April 6, 2009 7:08:13 PM
Subject: [css-d] Margins and Shorthand

I used FireBugs layout method to adjust the margin on a <div> As most of us 
know margins work by top, right, buttom, left.  Now using firebox I enter in 24 
for the right margin, then I wrote the short hand for the <div> which I have in 
absolute positioning inwhich I wrote, {0%, 24%, 0%, 0%;} when I previewed in 
Firefox after entering that into my code it didn't show what I had saw using 
those values in firebug, why is that?


Chris, I don't think you can use percentages with absolute positioning. 
However, for what you're trying to do, I don't think you need to worry about it 
-- you're trying to create margins using positioning. Just use margin style 
controls. If you want the layout to be liquid (meaning it changes with the size 
of the browser), you can use percentages with margins. If you want the margin 
to be fixed, then use pixels. 
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