On Thu, 16 Apr 2009 16:11:32 +0300
Came this utterance formulated by Jon Wickström to my mailbox:

> > And yet you have a fake XML declaration in line 9 which does nothing
> > that i can see. Still would validate though.
> It's a HTML-comment. I can't see what difference it would make. It was
> suggested IE goes into quirks mode because of a xml-declaration, so I
> moved it down and made it into a comment...

That explains it. It isn't doing any harm, it's just redundant and adds
confusion as you do have an XML declaration, a real one, on line 1.
This dummy XML declaration quotes a different character encoding
which make one wonder which character encoding you wished to really

> > Your initial post hit the list Thu, 02 Apr 2009 16:30:07 +0300.
> > My reply went out Fri, 10 Apr 2009 08:49:20 +1200.
> Sorry, I didn't mean to step on any toes. I just meant it's not a
> problem for me anymore. More like an itch or something, as I don't
> know why it's not working...

Mine wasn't an emotional response. I just pointed out that it hadn't
been a week without a reply as you had claimed. I still don't intend to
get emotional over it.

> > Which version of IE are you using? Is it in standards mode or quirks
> > mode? You are forcing IE6 and less into quirks mode, which may be
> > intentional.
> IE7. I'm hoping it is in standards compliant mode. Shouldn't the
> doctype declaration do that?

It should be fine in that respect, i'll have a look at it cross
browser, later.

You should also look at your pages in IE6 as the real XML declaration
does drop this page into quirks mode. Try this if you are on XP.

> URL: http://www.ekebodagis.fi/ekebo/test.html

Enough Off Topic, lets get back to your original issue.


All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

 - Julian of Norwich 1342 - 1416
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