> Georg,

of all, thanks a million for your help with this. It is a wonderful
learning experience. I think it's amazing that so few little changes
can have such a great effect. I updated the css files as you told me
and now, IE 7 is looking as good as FF & IE8. Even IE 6 is starting
to shape up, though I do need to do a bit more research on IE 6. For
example, the main navigation links appear without borders and without
their background images, and sibling selectors don't work. Do I need to
address the IE 'box model' issue to fix the links and the image

I'll have a search for a .png fix for IE6.

Thanks for all the great tips! Oh, btw,

> When using conditionally commented stylesheets to fix IE, put them after
the default stylesheet(s) in the page head. That'll make it easier to
override the default stylesheet(s) with IE-specific styles without
having to bother with modifying selector specificity to make those IE
styles kick in.

tried this as you said but I found I still had to increase specificity
on the conditional comments otherwise it didn't seem to work. 

> http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/onhavinglayout.html

I heard good things about that article, looking forward to reading it.

Thanks again!


Thanks very much for the suggestions! Glad you like the cow :) I think I can 
learn a lot from that layout you sent - it's simpler than what I've been 
trying. For now though I want to try to push layout ideas out of the markup. 
But I will work some of your ideas
in. I also like what you did with the images. Even the wireframe itself is an 
interesting look from a design perspective, especially the dots. Thanks :)

A couple of little things - does anyone know why:

> http://www.blueprintdesign.ie

in FF when we zoom out, the background image doesn't stay fixed? 

Also, in Safari, the 'back to top' button only leaves us half way up the page? 


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