On 23/05/2009, at 11:01 AM, JT Neville wrote:

> Just curious, do you really think that is a helpful answer for  
> someone?
> Sure everyone should be able to do it on their own.. but why be on  
> this
> list if you don't want to show someone the answer they miss?  I mean  
> you
> could have at least linked a validator if you were going to be like
> that.
> JT

You are right that I could have gone further than I did. I didn't  
intend for it to be a rude response and if it came across that way I  
apologise. Of course, one way of guiding me in how to better respond  
to queries would have been to provide the links yourself :-)

For the original poster, here are links to to the w3c HTML and CSS  


Have a look through each error. If it's not clear to you what you need  
to do to resolve it, post back to the list. The errors that are most  
likely to be causing you rendering problems are mismatched opening and  
closing tags. However, I would just recommend working your way through  
this list and fixing everything. That way you know you are on a solid  
markup foundation.

The use of the XHTML strict doctype is why presentational attributes l  
like align=center are errors (and the fact that the value isn't  
quoted). You either need to remove these attributes and use CSS or use  
a transitional doctype instead.

The form elements need to be surrounded by a block level element. You  
could add a fieldset and legend or else wrap them in a div.

The CSS seems to be valid when directly input, however, when I use the  
web developer toolbar <http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/>)  
and go - tools > validate CSS there does appear to be something  
strange going on with the response.

Also, it looks like you are including the stylesheet twice using link  
and import:

<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' 
<style type='text/css' media='screen'>@import 

I hope this helps.

Cheers, Tim

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