On 31/05/2009, at 5:13 AM, Delos Woodruff wrote:

> In addition to my site being a smidge too wide, I have a more
> important issue to worry about. Does php somehow interfere with css
> statements? I am trying to create a tab nav like you find at 
> http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menu/one_page
> I have the code working perfectly on a test html page at home. When I
> upload it (with the php code that shows the reviews, etc of the
> individual listings) to the site, it displays the default div but does
> not show the hidden divs when hovering over the tabs. (The site is
> checkitlocal.com/index.php and a copy of the css file is at
> checkitlocal.com/css.css)
> Here's the relevant css code as I've modified it:
> ---
> .tabborder {height:600px;width:800px;}
> .listingdefault {background:#ffffff;height:auto;width:55%;padding:3%;}
> .listingbox {border:#cdcdcd solid 1px;margin:1px 0 0 0;height:

I'm afraid I can't see what your question is. I viewed source and  
started looking for these classes and they aren't there. Am I missing  

PHP will not interfere with anything around CSS. The only time there  
will be a problem is if the *output* from the PHP is different from  
your static mockups. The only other situation I can think of that  
might cause a problem is if you are processing your CSS with PHP and  
it doesn't return the correct content type in the header (text/css).

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