> Set the outer div to have text-align: center
> Set div.wrapper etc. to be display: inline-block.
> Remove the floats.

Thanks once again. Unfortunately the text-align center centers the content
on the wrapper, but not 
on the "visual bordered box". For that I still need margin: 0 auto; Since I
still need the property margin: 0 auto; I can keep the floats and avoid
hacks (ahahah dream on) for older browsers :D ?

About the centering of floats,
I only need to put the wrapper_container div aprox. 6px more to the left,
after I do "margin: 0 auto;" .
But I cannot play with the margins of the parent because, on the left side,
I have the div responsible for the left border. Maybe we can push the
content to the left, overriding the left border div, and then, use z-index
to put that left border div on top of the content div? (and then, when we
make margin: 0 auto; it will be centered on the "visual box"). OR, we can
center the content parent of the wrapper_container, and push the
wrapper_container (using margin) some pixels to the left. (I will give it a

This is the one without the floats that still needs the margin: 0 auto;

Advantage: the right side space after wrapper3 has gone.
Disadvantage: Complex. Needs hacks for older browsers.

This is the one with the floats that I need to properly center by pushing
the wrapper_container more or less (and this denotes my lack of control over
this css measurements) 6 px to the left:

Advantage: Simpler. Needs none or less hacks for older browsers.
Disadvantage: The right side space after wrapper3 has not gone.

Is there a way to, on the floated example, to: 
a) remove the excess right side space
b) move the wrapper_container aprox. 6px more to the left?

>Despite being focused on menus,
>is a good guide to centring a group of floated elements in general.

I will read and see what can I take to this case.

Thanks a lot really, and sorry for not being able to close this issue yet,

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