> Center them? I can't see them inorder to center them :-) .

Lol. Yes, I'm on a 1680x1050 resolution screen, and I also found difficult
to see then.
But I'm thinking that on a 1024x768 scenario, we can see them properly. If I
raise up the text-size, it will get to huge on smaller resolutions.
I have seen some sites that are comfortable for bigger and small
resolutions, but I believe they use % on text, instead of em ? Should we opt
for % ? What do you advice for a more comfortable visualization of the site?

> #navcontainer ul li
> {
> display: inline;
> float:left; <-------- :: try ::
> }

That works, but the the padding-bottom space applied on the ul here:

#navcontainer ul 


If, however, I remove it, the image stays also floated.

To correct this, I have added a clear:left; property on the div that olds
the image.

Great, but then the links have appear outside the div that contains the
visual box. (I don't understand why, since on the HTML, the navigation
container div is INSIDE the div that contains part of the visual box. :s)

To solve this, I have give back the padding-bottom to the ul. :s

It works, but it just don't seem right. 

Here it is:

Any help to make it better?


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