The page with the tabs showing:


The page with the tabs NOT showing - gone AWOL:

CSS: (not really part of
the issue I don't think)

The issue - the main navigation tabs that show just fine in the first
page link above, don't show in the problem page.  The code is very
similar for the page overall, and the sprite-based tab code is nearly
identical. Yet the tabs don't appear.

However - the hover state of the tabs DO show in Firefox and Safari
when mousing over that area.  But even this doesn't happen in IE 6 or
7.  Don't have IE 8 yet to try that one.

The only real change I made to the home.css file regarding the #tabs
styling is the addition of the z-index in this line:

#tabs li {margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; position: absolute;
top: -34px; z-index:5;}

This z-index was not in the #tabs li rule that drives the page(s) that
work.  But even the hover state wouldn't show without that addition.
So, it seems something is covering the tabs up, but I can't put my
finger on what it is.

Structurally, the things that are different between the homepage and
the interior pages don't seem that significant:

1) div id="crumbs"  removed from homepage
2) img class="deptBadge" moved up the page a bit (it's the random
photo in the upper right)
3) rounded corners and color taken off of the center content region,
that region moved up, and background image applied at the top of it
which is the shadow line just under the white strip where the tabs are
supposed to live

Another head scratcher for me, and probably an easy fix for those who
truly understand this stuff.  :-)
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